Saturday, December 6, 2008

Britney and Christina Gross and sticky? No longer in this week's TV Moments Top

Is there anything that television can not do us? Britney Spears did her best impression of a pop star, which makes us doubt his status as icon. She did not say a word, but Katie Couric - for a moment - made us forget the real news. And Christina Aguilera did what we thought was impossible: She made us fall in love with the Grammys again.

Best musical performance: In 2008, the Concert Grammy Nominations, Britney the former rivals and fellow Mouseketeer, Christina Aguilera, classes set with a beautiful performance of "I love you Porgy", seen as a tribute to the inimitable Nina Simone. We like the idea of a conspiracy to announce the nomination so that we will use the following phrase from the first time anyone ever used: Well done, Grammys!