Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Christina Aguilera, Jonas Brothers Surprise Perez Hilton at Birthday Bash

Taking the example of the most enduring Hollywood icon, Marilyn Monroe, Christina Aguilera hit the Sunset Strip on Saturday night to toast the queen city of the king of gossip, Perez Hilton. Rocking a body in leopard-print dress, fish nets and black knee-high boots, the rarely seen the pop star (with her husband Jordan Bratman in tow) made a surprise appearance at LA's famous Viper Room where, after a strong performance of "Lady Marmalade" (remake of the 2001 version) that serenade the celebrity blogger and birthday boy with a sultry "Happy Birthday, dear Perez-ident."

In recent years, Hilton, who is an avid fan of music and sometimes A & R scout, has made an annual tradition to celebrate his birthday twice - first a great host South by Southwest coup output Austin, where Kanye West, Solange, the Indigo Girls and Little Boots performed March 21 and then a smaller, more intimate bash for close friends, family and fans of the celebrity. Among the famous faces who are crowded into the small Viper Room for the second round will be Besties Perez Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and Amanda Bynes, random friends like Salman Rushdie, and Meghan McCain, along with frequent? - And forgive - objectives of Tara Reid, Steve-O, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt. Also making an appearance: the Jonas Brothers, who came to the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards held earlier in the night, took out a cake and led the room in the first "Happy Birthday" song of the night.

"I was really surprised pleasantly surprised by what they were there," she gushed after the evening Hilton. "For the Kids Choice Awards, asked if they had to go to my party and said he could not because I had to go to the Honor Society of play [in the House of Blues]. That means a lot to me that took the time to come sing me happy birthday. "

Put a black skirt that took "a gay leather / S & M store in Silverlake and neon pink lace Doc Martins boots, disclosing Hilton in a sea of fans and what can only be described as the last gift: a song performance by Aguilera, four shirtless dancers and plenty of pink feather boas. "It was the last final," said Hilton, still in disbelief at the end of the night. "Last year I had the Pussycat Dolls perform at my birthday party. This year, Christina Aguilera. That's pretty damn amazing!"